1. Fighting for Britain :
Author: David Killingray ; with Martin Plaut.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Great Britain.-- Colonial forces-- History-- 20th century.,Great Britain.-- History-- World War, 1939-1945.,Great Britain.-- Military life-- History-- 20th century.,Great Britain.,Soldiers-- Africa-- History-- 20th century.,World War, 1939-1945-- Participation, African.,World War, 1939-1945-- Social aspects-- Africa.,World War, 1939-1945, Personal narratives.,Armed Forces-- Colonial forces.,Armed Forces-- Military life.,Armee,Beteiligung,HISTORY-- Military-- World War II.,Kolonialtruppe,Military participation-- African.,Schwarze,Social aspects.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Black Studies (Global),Soldiers.,Weltkrieg,Africa.,Afrikaner.,Großbritannien, 7, 7, 7
Classification :